What is Parvo and what do I need to do to prevent it for my Foster puppies?
Parvo is a deadly virus. It lives in fecal matter. If it gets in the ground it can live there for a year or more.

Parvo is the reason we ask you to quarantine your new foster dog or puppy for 14 days unless they have been fully vaccinated.
Parvo will typically break 3-10 days after the exposure. We have had a few break closer to 14 days so we quarantine for 14 days.
What does this look like? Mainly keeping your foster puppy on pee pads and easy to bleach surfaces. If a puppy does break with parvo their poop was likely positive 1-2 days before you see the symptoms. If quarantine has been followed your clean-up is much easier. If you have let your puppy in the yard and they have broken with parvo it makes your yard off limits to unvaccinated puppies for a year or longer. Although you can clean and bleach your floors you cannot bleach a yard.
The 14 days is hard, especially for older puppies but if you follow it, life is much easier.
Puppies are not fully vaccinated until they have 3-4 rounds of vaccines. If you have lived in your house for over a year and have not had parvo in your yard you can take puppies out after their quarantine and they have at least 1 round (preferably 2 but if you know your yard is safe and have discussed it with medical).
Puppies who have not had the 3-4 rounds should NOT walk around public areas. Especially pet stores and veterinary offices.
Round one of vaccinations is at 7-8 weeks DHPP and bordetella
Round two of vaccinations is at 10-11 weeks DHPP and bordetella
Round three of vaccinations is at 13-14 weeks DHPP and rabies
Not covered by rescue but highly recommended is DHPP 4 at 16 weeks of age or older
Today Togo was diagnosed with Parvo. Although it is treatable that treatment comes with a high price tag. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
If you can foster, sign up NOW to FOSTER with Dallas Dog:
PAYPAL/ZELLE: donate@dallasdogrrr.org
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Who is Dallas Dog?
Our rehabilitation efforts address the physical and emotional needs of rescued animals and prepare them for the second chance they deserve. You can make a difference by fostering, adopting, or making a donation toward these worthy animals.
Thank you for supporting Dallas Dog. Our mission is to create a safer place for animals by rescuing and rehabilitating those who are neglected, unwanted and abused across Texas or displaced by natural disasters nearby and finding them a permanent home. You can visit our website at www.dallasdogrrr.org to follow our amazing journey.
Poor baby! Prayers sweet Togo❤️