February 5, 2022
How We Care for a Puppy with Parvo
This week, puppies in our care broke with Parvo and we started the long and scary journey of caring for them and rehabilitating them back to health. It takes love, time, dedication, and a very detailed oriented focus to care for a puppy with parvo. Here is a look into the care we are providing Togo, the husky puppy, as he fights this deadly disease.

Here is our quarantine setup. We are using rescue cleaner instead of bleach. We are trying to clean up poop asap and washing paws if he steps in it.
People rule number one: the yellow crocs are the only shoes allowed in the pen and they are to be taken off in our foot bath pan and NOT worn anyplace else. This will help us minimize the chance of tracking parvo in our house and more importantly outside. We are also using old dress shirts as cover ups. This will help keep our clothes free of any minute fecal matter. It’s amazing what can hide in those furry little paws!
Cleaning instructions from Togo's discharge paperwork (VEG Fort Worth)
CLEANING/DISINFECTION/VIRUS SHEDDING: Parvovirus is highly contagious and is easily transmitted to other dogs. Additionally, the virus is very resistant and survives for a long time in the environment, so environmental decontamination is very important.
Unvaccinated puppies are at the greatest risk. Please keep your puppy away from other dogs for at least 4 weeks as they may still be shedding the virus. Clean all surfaces of all organic material (dirt, feces, urine, etc.) prior to disinfection. Disinfect all non-porous surfaces your dog has been exposed to with a 1:32 solution of bleach/water to effectively kill the virus particles to minimize the risk of re-infection, or infection to other pets in the household. This also reduces the risk of persons carrying the virus on their clothes and shoes and spreading it around. The virus will persist in any environment (grass, dirt, concrete, carpet) that is porous for up to one year.
Parvovirus is shed in the feces for 10 days to 4 weeks after an animal has recovered from the infection. As such, please do not take your pet for walks in public places, and keep them isolated from any other pets in the house. Not doing so could put other young and/or unvaccinated dogs at risk of getting the disease.
Togo is getting the best care possible while he is being treated. We must be diligent in following veterinarian instructions to avoid contamination and risking the health of other pets.
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PAYPAL/ZELLE: donate@dallasdogrrr.org
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Who is Dallas Dog?
Our rehabilitation efforts address the physical and emotional needs of rescued animals and prepare them for the second chance they deserve. You can make a difference by fostering, adopting, or making a donation toward these worthy animals.
Thank you for supporting Dallas Dog. Our mission is to create a safer place for animals by rescuing and rehabilitating those who are neglected, unwanted and abused across Texas or displaced by natural disasters nearby and finding them a permanent home. You can visit our website at www.dallasdogrrr.org to follow our amazing journey.