
I have been taking photographs for as long as I can remember. Back in the beginning there was no such thing as cell phone cameras or DSLR’s. Everything was film and it was costly to develop. Pictures were
taken with care and intent and it was always better to get a safe shot than risk a bad photo by being creative. Hobby photography was a passion for twenty plus years, photographing family weddings, youth sports, family vacations and iconic moments. Prior to becoming a professional photographer I was
the Director of a Career Services department for a local college. I would feed my passion for
photography by doing staff and event pictures, graduation ceremonies…any excuse to pull out my
camera. A relocation to a new state and time on my hands led to the beginning of where I am today. I was on the BOD for Paws of NE Louisiana as the Media and Humane Education Director. Once again the
camera came out and I began to take photographs of the shelter dogs that I was taking on television. I
became a regular volunteer at the high kill shelters, taking photographs of the animals in need so they
could be networked for adoptions, rescues or fosters. I realized at that time I had a talent of working with animals and getting images that helped to save their lives. That commitment and passion led me to
returning to school to get my professional photography certification, creating my own business and
finally making photography my full-time career. To this day I still volunteer as an animal advocate and take photographs for rescues and non-profits. I work very closely with Dallas DogRRR, spent a day in
Uganda working with a large animal rescue there and am currently taking my Texas Master Naturalist Certification. While I do all types of photography my main focus is pets and their people. Life is meant to
be measured in moments not minutes. “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.” —Dr. Seuss
Years of Experience
Favorite Hobby